Getting enough information to write an essay on “What Should Be Done to Eliminate Salary Disparities between Men and Women” is obviously not an easy task for the writer. Such a “Family and Consumer Science” essay requires that a student read widely while going through various academic sources, if only to find the relevant data. The essay on “What Should Be Done to Eliminate Salary Disparities between Men and Women” is obviously not one of those essays that one can just take up one day, and then write it. Before beginning to write such an essay, the student has to ensure that he knows what he hopes to write about and also knows how he is going to present these ideas. The student therefore requires a good plan for the essay on “What Should Be Done to Eliminate Salary Disparities between Men and Women” This means that before embarking on writing such a demanding essay, the writer should always generate a well written plan that will help him or her to clearly structure his or her thoughts while guiding him or her towards illustrating their presentation and argument in the paper. The plan that the student writes should contain many things, among these, flexibility, because it is this flexibility that will allow for the inclusion of any other new data that the writer might find while looking for data to complete the essay on “What Should Be Done to Eliminate Salary Disparities between Men and Women”. It should be properly referenced, formatted, and without grammer and spelling errors.
What should be done to eliminate salary disparities between men and women?
According to Feagin (2010), gender disparities keep on increasing in the job sector despite of the affirmative action used to reduce them. There have been a lot of cases to do with wage discriminations in the job sector. In most cases this inequalities favor men over women with the same academic qualification. Women are perceived as in competed workers thus the reason for low wages. Companies should formulate policies of recruitment which are based on academic merits and not the sex of an employee. The labor laws should also protect the rights of all workers regardless of their gender. The terms and conditions of employment should apply to all workers in an industry (Feagin, 2010, p.145).
More women should be encouraged to take managerial positions and inspire those who are growing up. There should not be ant reservations in employments and every person should be given an opportunity to serve according to his/her ability. In many countries, there are laws that ensure that women representation in all offices is well taken care of. Whether these policies are implemented and the laws enforced accordingly remains a subject of debate. Women have always been sidelined in the job market with those who manage to secure a chance earning much lower salaries that their male counterparts. Women have therefore remained in the poverty cycle with those who manage to acquire relevant education remaining very few. As a result, disparities between income levels for both the women and men have grown tremendously. There is hope that in the near future women will take up more positions in the job industry. This is because activists are doing a great job in pressurizing equal representation of both genders.