Spain’s Museums Visit Project Proposal

For those students majoring in history and archeological studies, travelling plays a major part in their life. The different visits to various historical venues and excavation sites goes a long way in ensuring that they witness and thus proof any information they may have come across in class. It is for this reason that I propose to do a project on museum visits in Spain. The target audience will be the students in history and archeology clubs. One of the proposed sites is Badalone museum. This is a building that houses the remains of an ancient city in Spain-Roman city of Baetulo. Here, the target students will have a chance to learn about the history of ancient cities in Spain. Read more >

Public Relations (PR) APA Paper Sample

Executive Summary
This report aims at examining various issues that faces the public relations department. The discussion draws attention to the what public relation is, its importance, McDonald’s stakeholders, and issues facing McDonald’s public and why they matter to the organisation. Further, it unearths the importance of public relation to any organisation regardless of it nature of business. It then concludes that it will be important for McDonald’s management to know that it is the productive image of an organization that makes other organizations individuals’ and communities conducts business with it. Read more >

Do Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence

It is commonplace for people to dismiss the effect of video games particularly the violent genre as a factor in the surging youth violence. However, research (Teng, Chong, Siew & Skoric, 2011) is increasingly demonstrating the apparent contributory factor of video games on youth violence and delinquency. There is a strong relationship between video games and youth violence witnessed in the society today. Read more >


Abortion is the intentional termination of a pregnancy. The word abortion is of the Latin descend abortio, which means to deliver prematurely, miscarry or abort. An abortion can be spontaneous as a result of complications during the pregnancy period or induced. The induced abortion is aimed to preserve mother’s health and sometimes called therapeuc abortion. An abortion, which is carried for any other reason is called elective abortion. Most abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy (first trimester), but some may be performed up to 24 weeks (second trimester), or in the rare cases, up to 36 weeks (third trimester). In 1973 abortions became legal in the U.S., and nowadays 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have had an abortion by the time she reaches 45 years of age. Although abortions are legal in the majority of developed countries, women are still unaware and poorly informed of the health risks of abortion. Abortion has a long-term impact on woman’s mental health: studies show, that 81% overall increased risk of having mental health problems, 37% increased risk of depression, 34% increased risk of anxiety, 110% increased risk of alcohol abuse and 155% increased risk of suicidal tendency. Abortion has short-term and long term risks on woman’s physical health: endometritis, acute hematometra, gastro-intestinal disturbances, convulsion, breast cancer and infertility. The abortion is banned by all world religion and is ethically wrong. Read more >

Communication in Virtual Teams

Question 1
A) One example of a cultural dimension inculcates individualism-collectivism context (Engleberg & Wynn, 2013). For individualistic societies, the aims of every person within the team receive considerable importance over the aims of the group. Usually, persons receive incentives for performing autonomously in instances such as formulating individual plans and accomplishing individual goals. Usually North American and Western societies practice individualism. Collectivist societies, on the other hand, emphasize on the needs and goals of the whole team instead of the individual. It is common especially in South American societies. As such, this team is more likely to embrace an individualist approach based on the inclusion of American and French members. Another dimension involves high context-low context (Engleberg & Wynn, 2013). High context implies using certain cues in order to determine appropriate behavior. Contrastingly, low context implies using verbal content to disseminate information. This team will involve a direct style of communicating based on the number of Western and American members within the group. Read more >

Employee Involvement Intervention in Organizational Development

Organizations in today’s global economy face competitive obligations of lower costs of production and operation, more flexibility, as well as optimized performance, which compel them to embrace employee involvement interventions. Employee involvement is about the variety of processes developed to ensure the optimum contribution, understanding and support of all workers in a business, as well as their commitment to the achievement of the organizational goals. The purpose of employee involvement has three points of view. First is the employer’s perspective, second is the trade union’s perspective and finally the employee’s perspective. The 1980s saw the development of a new plan for employee participation in organizations with the concept expanding to include employee involvement interventions. The application of employee involvement needs training to enable employees give their participation in a constructive manner. The major effectiveness of employee involvement is its ability to enable people to realize their own capacity and put the advantage into practice in a creative manner. Read more >

Compare and Contrast the Cid Portrayed in the Epic Poem with Fletcher’s Description of the Man


The title of the cid, meaning lord, in the ancient Spain was given to Rodrigo Diaz who was celebrated during his time. (Graham, 2011: 44). According to the description by Fletcher, the author of the quest for the cid and a British historian, the cid and his life is full of contradictions .the cid in the epic poems has no resemblance to the cid described by Fletcher. The cid is portrayed by Fletcher as a man who flourished during the eleventh century and was an adventurous soldier who had a great fortune. Furthermore, the cid is depicted by Fletcher as one of the many bosses or Cids with a unique statue during his time. Read more >

Summary: Adam Bede

The story begins with the arrival of Dina Morris at a village in England. Thereafter, it progresses with a narration on the lives of Bede’s, Irwine’s and Poyser’s family where the author discusses issues concerning morality in a detail manner. In the subsequent chapters, the author uses different techniques to bringing out the theme of love and cruelty in the play. For example, the author uses the statements “A man can never do anything at variance with his own nature” purposively in chapter sixteen. The statements bring out the personality of the characters who took part in the play. Furthermore, the author uses the statement to bring out the theme of love and trust in the play. At the beginning of the narrative, Dina Morris echoed similar sentiments in her descriptions for men whom she perceived as chauvinists. She asserted that their actions were a reflection of their personality. Similarly, the sentiments in chapter sixteen portray that character is a derivative of habits. Read more >

The Morals of a Prince

This author, Machiavelli, has ‘sold his soul to the devil’. What he suggests is evil and tempts the reader not to be moral. His advice must be resisted. Machiavelli presents various strategies in which a prince can achieve success. Machiavelli asserts that a prince cannot be good at all times (Adams 797). Any prince who wants to remain in power must learn how to deal with rivals. The position of Machiavelli is immoral and does not reflect a democratic society. Machiavelli advocates for the killing of opposition leaders in a political system. I believe that such thoughts can encourage leaders to practice dictatorship. Furthermore, Machiavelli asserts that human beings should avoid being generous. He states that the non-generous people can challenge the authority of a generous prince and take away power. Read more >

The American Empire in its World Historical Settings

The world exists in cycles. Cycles are replicated in all dominant areas of life. From climatic weather patters to the business seasons, the world is all in cycles. The root of this article is in the cycles that have characterized the rise of world empires, most importantly the American empire. The purpose of writing this article was not to give a historical account of these cycles but to show how the traditional world order that could have given rise to uniform civilization and industrialization was hampered by the rise of empires. The gist of this article is on the growth of the American empire. Indeed, the author tries to create a different picture of the American empire that may not have been seen by most people. Read more >