Essay on Diabetes

Today, diabetes has been classified among the most chronic diseases which are on the rise. As a result medical practitioners and other health care providers are setting aside time to create awareness about diabetes. Writing an essay on diabetes is one of the strategies being employed by these health care providers. However, while there are many people who want to empower the society about diabetes would like to write about the disease; they do not have any idea on how to go about writing the medicine essay.
An essay on diabetes can be written to target either the already infected or the whole community. If you choose to write a medicine essay about diabetes to the whole community, the best writing method to apply is awareness writing. In awareness writing, the writer usually lets the targeted audience understand about the medical condition. In this case, when writing an awareness essay on diabetes one is required to explain to society what diabetes is. In addition, one is expected to describe the general symptoms and signs of the medical condition. Apart from this, when writing a diabetes awareness essay one should educate the community on the various types of diabetes, and how each varies from the other.
Other information that should be contained in the medicine essay on diabetes is information to explain how one can diagnose diabetes. In addition, the essay should clearly explain the causes of the disease. When writing the essay, you should include information about how to manage the condition. The essay should give tips on healthy lifestyles which one can adopt in order to prevent or regulate the medical condition.

Essay on Diabetes

This chapter will discuss the ailment that is diabetes. Diabetes has become a problem that is causing problems to the societies and even resulting to family breakage due to its being misunderstood. This has resulted to scientists delving deep into research to try and come up with solutions that can bring ease to people. Luckily, the world of today is more equipped and people can conduct their research in friendly situations. It is due to this that scientists have been able to come up with various solutions.

This ailment affects the humans. This involves the body having too much blood sugar due to lack of response o body insulin or the lack of the insulin production by the body. High blood sugar systems include frequent urination, increased thirst and the increment of hunger. Diabetes is characterized in three main types. One of them is the type one, which is the failure of the body to produce enough insulin. This in turn requires the affected individual to keep on injecting insulin. Type two is the situation where the body fails to use insulin properly. Blood suger levels are tightly controlled by insulin (,2011) There is also the gestational diabetes where the individual especially pregnant women record high blood glucose level. Other forms of diabetes include the congenital diabetes resulting from the secretion of insulin. Almost all forms of diabetes are treatable except but some are chronic making them hard to treat. Insulin highly contributes to the uptake of glucose from the blood to the body cells. Absence of glucose thus contributes to the problem of diabetes. In some centuries back, the problem of diabetes was not recognizable and most affected people ended up dying. This problem however continued to cause extreme problems and the world in modern centuries; scientists have come up with ways to contain this problem. More research has being done to enable the disease.

Diabetes should thus be taken seriously and more research should be facilitated to enable this disease to be tackled. A lot of education should be done to educate the masses about the dangers and the importance of being tested.