Organizations in today’s global economy face competitive obligations of lower costs of production and operation, more flexibility, as well as optimized performance, which compel them to embrace employee involvement interventions. Employee involvement is about the variety of processes developed to ensure the optimum contribution, understanding and support of all workers in a business, as well as their commitment to the achievement of the organizational goals. The purpose of employee involvement has three points of view. First is the employer’s perspective, second is the trade union’s perspective and finally the employee’s perspective. The 1980s saw the development of a new plan for employee participation in organizations with the concept expanding to include employee involvement interventions. The application of employee involvement needs training to enable employees give their participation in a constructive manner. The major effectiveness of employee involvement is its ability to enable people to realize their own capacity and put the advantage into practice in a creative manner.
Companies and businesses in today’s economy face competitive obligations of lower costs of production and operation, more flexibility, as well as optimized performance, which compels them to embrace employee involvement intervention. By putting in place employee involvement intervention strategies, companies are able to enhance productivity, commitment and participation of individuals and teams in an organization. In order to understand employee involvement intervention, it is important to cover all aspects of organizational development interventions focused on moving decision making from the top management and moving closer to individuals and groups that carry out the actual tasks in an organization. Through enhanced employee involvement interventions, the company or business makes more responsive and rapid decisions. Furthermore, there is constant improvement of company operations, more employee satisfaction, commitment and flexibility (Cummings & Worley 2005, 350).
The current aspects of employee involvement are revised versions of previous efforts aimed at improved the quality of life in the work place and increase productivity in different parts of Europe and America. There is a gradual replacement of the phrase “quality of work-life” with terms such as employee involvement or employee empowerment in most parts of the world. The definitions used currently to describe employee involvement cover the aspects of power, skills and knowledge, rewards and information (Kandula 2005, 70). Through the combination of these aspects of definition, the outcome is a significant influence on productivity and operations, as well as the improvement of the workers welfare (Snabe 2005, 27). In order to understand employee involvement interventions in a better way, there is need to cover aspects of the purpose of such interventions, its history, its applicability in an organizational context, review of its effectiveness, ways of measuring effectiveness, and give examples illustrating employee involvement intervention (Rothwell 2010, 7).
Employee involvement is about the variety of processes developed to ensure the optimum contribution, understanding and support of all workers in a business, as well as their commitment to the achievement of the organizational goals. The term encompasses several arrangements and operations established between the investor, the management and employees. Employees get involved in five main ways. First, they review their participation in daily activities of the organization through the assessment of quality and management of performance. Second, is the participation in group discussions and briefings on work performance and means to improve the current processes? Employee involvement could also take the form of informing employees about economic issues as well as the product market and labor issues that may affect working in the organization. Fourth, employee involvement may involve influencing ways in which the management makes important decision concerning service delivery and production processes. Finally, organizations implement employee involvement by allowing them to determine their work place conditions, such as safety and benefits.
Employee involvement intervention is a broad aspect of organizational development and people often use the terms interchangeably with employee empowerment, employee engagement, and participative management, quality of work life, industrial democracy, work design or high involvement. Generally, employee involvement intervention covers a wide spectrum of strategies designed to ensure more participation of employees in making work-related decisions. It is an approach used by several organizations to achieve enhanced participation of employees through enriched kinds of tasks. Other companies implemented employee involvement interventions through the formation of teams and groups, which help in improving product quality and productivity through improved participation in the groups. Implementation of employee involvement can happen through the formation of unions and ensuring cooperation in the union in improving the quality of life in the work place and performance. Furthermore, to demonstrate further the significance of employee involvement intervention, companies emphasize on participatory approaches in the process of improving the quality of operations and products (Gilliland & James 1988, 549).
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